Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change Your Impression.

A Never Changing impression?

Well think again. Sometimes being mere humans, we tend be a little too judgemental at times.
So little Sally was always shy..and thus we'd assume she'd still be the same old little girl we always knew.
Bob was always fooling around and never did his homework, so we'd assume he'd grow up being irresponsible.

Firstly, isn't it all but a mere pre-concept of our own? Impressions we form towards people based on what they may or may not have done in the past and character wise. But on second thoughts, do you not think that people can change? or rather do you not know that people do change?

Little Sally who was always shy is now pursuing a Masters in Mass Communication. On the other hand, Little Bob who was always fooling around and never did his homework, is a well-known doctor today. Can't believe it?

Well BELIEVE IT. PEOPLE CAN CHANGE. Sometimes we ought to give a little room to others into believing that they can change, just like we'd like for them to give us a chance into believing in our own potential to change, for the better. This practically applies to things and situations in life as well. How would you like it if people constantly judge you merely based on an impression they had formed towards you in the past?
Wouldn't you like to shout out to them one day saying : ''I'm a Changed Person!"?

Hence personally, I do believe in the statement, Never judge a book by it's cover. Even if what you see in a person today, may not be the same in the future. As time goes by, people and things change. It's just only the matter of changing for the better or worse. Of course, as humans, we strive to become a better person each day. After all, life is a learning process. You don't change just in an hour or a day, for some, maybe even a lifetime.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day, it's the question of:
'Do you count yourself to have lived a worthy life?'

Someone told me:
"This world is like a stage, we've all got a part to play."

As i took a deeper insight into these words, I find it very true.

Don't you think that at times we're but little actor and actresses on stage. Given our own role/task, we are to perform accordingly. At the event if we fail to do so, we will then be judged eventually and accordingly. This is where impressions start to form.

In relevance to life, we as humans constantly have our own responsibilities to fulfill. We are also constantly under the eyes of others, thus there is no running away from being judged, just like how we place judgement on others too.
Nevertheless, how you live your life in the present, greatly determines the outcome of the future or rather your own future.

So don't we all have a part to play?

Where we could say: "I've lived my life worthy",
at the end of the day?

Signing off,
first look into the mirror of your own.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Peace of mind I seek.

A goal in mind.

An intention to achieve.

Health is Wealth.

I'll do Whatever it Takes.

Tis stepping down,
my current thoughts.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

If a task is once begun,

Never leave it till it's done.

Be the labor great or small,

Do it well or not at all.

~author unknown~

(i know..=S) teehee.

Signing off,
lesson learnt.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Embracing 2009.

A new year, a new start, a new semester,
As i look back at the years i've encountered,
i realized how at times i do not see and treasure,
Life's great, don't you think, at times beyond measure,
so great that we don't think it'll ever be over.

Taken for granted, at times we choose not to see,
on how great our blessings are, count them one to three.
But it's funny how when challenges strike,
often it seems too obvious,
that one may sit down, whine and cry.

Ironic don't you think?
I guess it's just part of human nature,
To see the latter rather than the better,
Oh what can I say?
Most of the times, I'm just like any other.

Nevertheless life is a learning process,
Mistakes, who never makes them?
But at the end of the day,
it's how you'd choose to change them,
learn and you'll be in good hands.

God never forsakes us,
In times of good and bad,
But why at times we question,
If He was always present?
Leaning on our own understanding,
We then assume and go on doubting.

"I will never leave you nor forsake you..",
These are the words of the Bible, don't you remember?
Clear your doubts, do stop and ponder,
How'd you expect to receive?
When you're always in doubt and often waver?

Even so, faith without works is dead,
See how great the sacrifice Abraham had made?
So are we what we claim ourselves to be?
Or just merely hanging on the thread?
All in all, life is not just a game,
Think again, is it not time to make a change?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dengue? or not?

Okay..i know I haven't been updating my blog for the past few days now. Truth be told, I was sick throughout the whole week. And okay..behind all this, lies a fairly complicated story. Hmm.

So I started having fever last Wednesday, and a continuation of high fever the following days, and along with it were the usual body aches and all that. So it was just that until Friday night, lil red spots started to show on my hands.

Okay..so the next morning I went to see a doctor and yeah..he said it might well be measles. Gave me the fever medicine and so in the next 2 days, the fever subsided. Thank God! (because it was the cause of this serious migraineeee I had)

Ok moving on, somehow rather, I was suspected to have dengue or Chikungunya

(it's a new virus going round coming from the same dengue family). But ohh well..the spots on my hand didn't look like that of dengue. So okay..measles it was.
Not until last 2 days, my hands and legs swelled up, and the spots on my legs looked like that of dengue. Wokiee..had a blood test done twice previously, and my platelets were rather low the 2nd time. Hence my mum sought a 2nd advice from a doctor she knows via sms, and he says if the platelets did not go up, I will have to be admitted to hospital. So i had a blood test done again yesterday, and lo, it went up! Thank God! Nevertheless, here's the irony of the whole thing.

It was Dengue all along and we only found out when I might h
ave well passed the dangerous stage and was already on the edge of recovering!!
(i mean cos the doctor also thought it was measles at first, so yea..what doctors say are always right, no?) LOL.

But one thing I gota say, I WAS NOT HOSPITALIZED! teehee. (cos if you get dengue, it is a must to be admitted) Well actually, truth be told, there is no specific medication for dengue so even if you were to stay in hospital, all they can do is to give you the drip and you're required to rest and drink up a lot. It's more of a self-recovery process. But yea..they
will have to monitor your condition, and there is a certain "dangerous stage" they call it if you get dengue. So once you've passed that, you'll be fine. :)

cupcakes? :D

Here's a thing or two I learnt throughout this whole dengue thing:
1) You can't run away from 100 plus. (you're asked to take lots and lots of it, cos it replenishes your body fluid and keeps the heat down)
2) of PAPAYA LEAVES and Rock Sugar. (yes it has to be boiled with rock sugar otherwise it would be soooooooo bitter. cos I drank that =/ ohh well if u wana get well, you've gota drink up)
3) You tend to sleep like nobody's business. (It's just that your body is weak and tired, and because you're required to rest up, you tend to snooze more than usual)
5)Early to bed, early to rise, makes a dengue patient, healthy and wis
e (ok only when he or she recovers that is :D)