Wednesday, November 12, 2008

and when the Odd Hour strikes..

It's 4:47am now, yes early in the morning, and i haven't any idea what am i doing in front of my lap top screen. You see i fell asleep at about 11pm something, and now i'm wide awake. Call me crazy or not, I have to say my sleep cycle has been pretty much disrupted lately. *sighs* Sleeping and waking up at odd hours..=/ Anyway..

Let's get ready for something more interesting... :D


Get Smart!!

I know what you're thinking..
"but..but that was like so long ago?"

and you're right, but well,
being the not-so-frequent-movie-goer (yea
i've yet to watch it..
(and i've been wanting to watch this movie for quite some time now)

(ohh thank you caleb for bringing me to the shop)

and finally..*music plays*

Signing off,
Get Smart here I come.
(seriously think i'm gona watch it now :D)

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